I'm warning you now, it's going to be a scattered post...
- I was helping Z study for his science quiz about Hypothesis, Independent Variables and Dependent Variables. When I asked him to give me a hypothesis, he said "If I feed Jasper 3 pieces of pepperoni, it will increase his poop rate." I really don't think I need to finish the story. I did ask him to not use any kind of example that has the word "poop" in it on his quiz.
- Jasper was chewing on something dark yesterday afternoon. When I got closer to see what it was, I noticed a tail. Yes, he brought a mouse in from outside. And yes, I started screaming that it was a mouse and for Z to get him out of the house now. Thankfully Jasper carried the mouse back out the door with him. And yes, Z is still teasing me about my squealing.
- Both boys started Open Gym for Basketball this week. Just as I about had the stink gone from Football, it starts up again. :::sigh:::
- As much Christmas music as I have been listening to, you would think I'd have some gifts bought. But I don't. And even worse, I don't have any ideas.
- My office is closed on Friday. Yea for a long weekend for me! I picked up 9 years worth of Christmas photos that I got developed today. Yes, I have high hopes.
Have a terrific day! Make it count!