Isn't she beautiful? Something this beautiful deserves a name, don't you think. Afterall, if I can name a silly vacuum cleaner, I most definitely need to name this lovely.
So, Operation Mac began a few weeks ago when hubby had my sister, Sarah, email me that she had a "friend" that was selling their Dell, and would I be interested. My reply, without hesitation, was "I really want that Mac I've been wanting for at least two years. I think I'll wait." A couple of days later hubby asks me why I always want to have the best of the best. He had hopes of getting a less expensive laptop. And the subject was dropped, never to be heard of again, until I came home Friday and there was this beauty waiting for me.
And how sad is it that I had to get the little instruction book out to figure out where to turn it on at! Pretty darn pathetic!
So Sarah and J.J. took care of me. They hooked me up. This little machine is sweet. J.J. is our family computer guru and he made sure I got what I needed, and helped out with a student discount (someday you'll have to watch the credits of an animated movie, because I have no doubt you'll see his name listed). I've been playing, and having fun, and getting so frustrated that I just need to walk away. I do know this: This machine is fast! I know longer have to wait several seconds for a picture to appear. And I have also been hooked up with Photoshop CS3...sweetneess.
Thanks hubby, Sarah, and J.J. You rock!
Speaking of rocking...can you guess what I've Zach's been playing this week?
Zach opened up Guitar Hero for his birthday. He is getting better at it. He plays two or three songs and then walks away from it. I think that's a good thing!
We were supposed to have his birthday/bowling party last night, but we woke up yesterday morning to this:
Thanks Uncle John for helping us out!
The party has been rescheduled for this afternoon. It's been many years since I've put on disgusting bowling shoes...maybe I'll just take pictures ;o)
Yesterday was the one-month countdown for Nicholas' surgery. His surgery last year happened so fast and we were so busy that I was just on automatic, getting done what needed to be done and not thinking much about it...or at least telling myself I wasn't thinking much about it. But this time is different and I find that I keep pushing it to the back of my mind. But I think it's time to at least start making lists!
Have a happy day!